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How can investment funds help you?

Investment funds allow us to invest professionally and offer you
a wide range of investment opportunities.

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Get exposure to dozens of
assets at optimised costs

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Transfers from one fund to another without
taxing the change

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Invest in a variety of assets:
shares, bonds, commodities

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Professional management

Don't worry and invest in the hands of
professional managers

Get to know our products

Combined Deposit

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A savings and investment alternative, combining 70% of your investment in deposits and 30% in funds.

Fund Selection

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Wide range of selected backgrounds for you to find the ones that best suit you.

Depósito Combinado Megatendencias

Vista Moderno Panorama Rascacielos Negocios Vidrio Cielo Edificio Comercial 1

Gracias a este nuevo producto, podrás combinar ahorro e inversión. Un 50% irá destinado a un depósito a plazo fijo al 5% TAE a 6 meses con un 50% a fondos de inversión de megatendencias.

Happy with your portfolio?

Bring your funds to Banco BiG

We have been working for more than 25 years to help our clients understand the financial market and accompany them in their investments.
Transferring your funds to BiG is easy.

Become a customer in the easiest and fastest way: through the web


Click on "Start"


Fill in your details and upload your documents


Make a transfer, and that's it

Investment Opportunities with BiG


Our mission is to provide you with the investment funds that best suit you.

Wide universe of funds

For those who want to go a step further in the management of their wealth. Easy financial investment at your fingertips

Financial Literacy

We are committed to your financial education. That's why we provide you with all kinds of training material so that you can make your own decisions.

Do you still have doubts?

We explain in detail how our investment products work, so that everything is clear to you.

The Investment Funds have risk indicators ranging from 1 to 7, with 1 being lower risk and 7 being higher risk. Product prospectuses and key investor information documents are available at or at