
This number represents the product's risk classification, being 1/6 the lowest risk and 6/6 the highest.

BiG is a member of the Portuguese Deposit Guarantee Fund. The maximum amount guaranteed by the Fund is €100,000 per depositor.

Who can open an account?

businessman-with-diamond Created with Sketch.


For individuals over 18 years old.

house Created with Sketch.

Tax Residents in Spain

Residents of the Basque Country and Navarre can only become customers through the website.

european-union-flag Created with Sketch.

Any Citizenship

Spanish citizens and foreign citizens
(except USA*)

Before you start, make sure you have at least
one of the following documents with you:

Make sure you have at least one of the following documents with you:
National Identity Document
Foreigner Identity Card
European Union Citizen Registration Certificate + Identification Document

¿Qué necesitas?

Justificante Dirección*

Documentación con una antigüedad no superior a 3 meses. Factura de suministros (agua, luz, móvil etc) o padrón.

*En función de los datos aportados.


En vigor y a color.



Justificante Profesión*

Antigüedad no superior a 3 meses. Si es trabajador por cuenta ajena, nómina completa, vida laboral completa. 
Si es trabajador por cuenta propia; pago cuota seguridad social

*En función de los datos aportados.

Become a customer in the easiest and fastest way: through the web


Click on "Start"


Fill in your details and upload your documents


Make a transfer, and that's it

Or through the app

Only available to individuals and a single owner

In piece already here

In piece already here

Do you still have any doubt?

We explain in detail how to become a customer, so that everything is clear to you.