Depositos FGD Banco BIG 2

The purpose of the Portuguese Deposit Guarantee Fund is to guarantee the repayment of deposits made, up to a maximum of 100,000 euros per depositor and per credit institution, assuming the losses in the event of the insolvency of any of the credit institutions that make up the Fund.

Which deposits are guaranteed?

The fund's guarantee covers:

  • Deposits made into savings accounts, current accounts and time deposits

  • Those deposits that are denominated in a currency other than the euro are guaranteed for the amount equivalent to 100,000 euros applying the corresponding exchange rates

Which deposits are excluded?

  • Certain deposits are excluded from the coverage of the DGF, depending on how they are constituted or other cases defined in the Fund's regulations.

How do refunds work?

  • The Deposit Guarantee Fund guarantees the refund of up to a maximum amount of 100,000 euros per depositor

  • For the calculation of the value of the deposit, the joint value of the deposit accounts held at the institution by the depositor on the date on which the inability to pay is verified is taken into account, regardless of the type of deposit.